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  1. Strange Skin Condition
  2. Advice/Info
  3. I think something is wrong with my garter :( PLEASE HELP.
  4. I'm concerned - what is it?
  5. Is Petey Sick
  6. Boom's Growth (Removal)
  7. Escape and Recovery
  8. Should I worry?
  9. babie not moving much and very limp
  10. Found injured garter snake in road! Help!?
  11. None feeding garter
  12. Blood droplet at end of tail
  13. Help for wild garter
  14. Advice please
  15. ribbon snake not eating
  16. Problem... prego shed issue.
  17. Eye infection??
  18. Shedding
  19. Skin/Health conditions & treatment
  20. Any advice please - no idea what's wrong.
  21. prolapsed hemipenes
  22. garter mouth issues
  23. cuts on my garter!!
  24. I ran over a garter snake with my mower
  25. Cat attack
  26. badly injured ribbon
  27. Spiritual healing?
  28. Ribbon Snake won't stop rolling
  29. baby garter snake sheeding problem
  30. Not to urgent but just a wondering question for the new snake keeper!
  31. Please Help My Ribbon Snake!
  32. Impacted!
  33. Snake not eating Help!!!!
  34. Sneezing and weird behavior.
  35. Clicking and not eating
  36. Loose-ish Skin
  37. bumps on skin
  38. Garter Snake Skin Growth ):
  39. Not Shedding??
  40. Behavior change
  41. Very very worried....
  42. Baby garter snakes won't eat. Help?!
  43. Twitching/Flinching?
  44. Baby Garter Snakes. Now 15
  45. My Snake Won't Eat
  46. Non-eaters
  47. rescued a Garter snake, need some advice!!
  48. Mouth Injury/rot (ULCERATIVE STOMATITIS)
  49. shotgut therapy for w/c garters
  50. Found a pretty yellow eastern injured today
  51. Snake died
  52. Female garter snake sick
  53. Please help. Sudden injury to scales on my snake's neck!
  54. Something is going on with Cee Cee...
  55. Sudden symptoms!
  56. Caught in the drain
  57. Mouth infection on baby snake!!
  58. Dry skin - doesn't look like typical shedding
  59. Troubled Shed (T. Butleri)
  60. Eyecap didn't come off!!! Help me out here
  61. Seizures in Eastern Ribbon
  62. rough skin?...
  63. Lip infection?
  64. retained shed
  65. End of tail came off
  66. I am sick :(
  67. About to shed and I'm going away
  68. force feeding time??
  69. Question about scars and scales
  70. Dark bump under vent?? She or He
  71. Novice Caring for a friends Snake - Humidity Issues
  72. The wheezing is back...
  73. Lucy is talking - should I be concerned?
  74. My Garter Snake is making a strange noise.
  75. List of concerns ...
  76. Open mouth breathing
  77. Draining a lump
  78. Minor Surgery
  79. Snake Breathing Treatments
  80. oh, please help - lucy is having seizures
  81. Help- more jellies.
  82. my thamnophis don't eat
  83. Injury !
  84. Mysterious Orange Goo
  85. Opinions on what this is please (lip infection?)
  86. Toxic worms and deflated look.
  87. anyone from UK info needed
  88. Injured, slightly squished, garter snake
  89. Injured escapee
  90. çhristmas in june
  91. Injured Eye T.radix Female
  92. Snake wellness based on...
  93. limp back half
  94. Pancur doses, anyone do self treating?
  95. Random seizures
  96. Injury
  97. Wheezing....maybe
  98. contractions ???
  99. Wild caught and injured
  100. Sudden and horrible kinking
  101. Deworming a wildcaught?
  102. infected belly button???
  103. Neonate Baby Regurge
  104. Brain injury
  105. Crushed babies?
  106. Mites !
  107. Weird spot on neck
  108. Unable to feed
  109. Melanomas in "black snakes"
  110. Respiratory infection?
  111. Scent Gland Infection(Abscess)
  112. How do I know if an injured garter snake is okay to release back to the wild?
  113. Blood from nose, Gone fast.
  114. Garter is having seizures, help/advice needed!
  115. Paralyzed tail
  116. Question about garter snake in my yard- dead or hibernating badly???
  117. Chicago Eastern Odd Movements
  118. Need help my garter has worms or paradites need meds will pay for them
  119. Early mouth infection...
  120. Head Twitch
  121. Clicking
  122. Weird Scale Bulge
  123. HELP!!! baby garter stuck to adhesive!!
  124. Possible RI ?
  125. Seizures
  126. Mouth infection not improving...
  127. Cloudy eyes w/Mouth infection?
  128. Help please - snake not eating after escape
  129. How long to treat?
  130. Blindness --> Eyes falling out (a bit graphic/disturbing)
  131. Eastern lays in cold water dish all day.
  132. Strange White color around scales on head
  133. Strange and disturbing mass death of babies
  134. Balance/movement issues?!
  135. Bit concerned about this
  136. Re-hydrating the Dehydrated
  137. Find a Vet.. Vet info and locations
  138. Nebulization of Sick/New Snakes
  139. Steve's head
  140. Blue eyes after recent shed
  141. Not eating
  142. Wrong worms?
  143. Freeze, the Checkered Garter Update
  144. Mouth infection or something ??
  145. Sudden Death Parasites?
  146. Incompetent vet
  147. Can anyone please help?!?
  148. Sudden onset neurological problem
  149. Constipated Snake...
  150. Need Help feeding problem!
  151. Pesticides
  152. This is odd...
  153. Shocking tail loss.
  154. Disturbing Drunken-like Behavior
  155. Scale problems?
  156. Maximum body expansion?
  157. not shedding?
  158. Vent Abbrasion.
  159. How to perform your own fecal count
  160. i can see snake breathing and breathes are about 1 sec apart
  161. sticky situation
  162. Not eating
  163. Cause For Concern
  164. Tail irregularities in Eastern Ribbon Snake
  165. retained shed? or something else
  166. big red worms
  167. Regurgitated pinky piece then ate it again
  168. is my snake hurt?
  169. throwing up?
  170. Scale rot?
  171. Injured Garter Snake
  172. Probably worrying too much, but...
  173. Respiratory Infection
  174. PLEASE Help
  175. Ribbon Snake possible spinal damage?
  176. Found a garter snake being attacked by cat, Laceration to lower tail (2" from tail)
  177. Garter snake sick from giving birth?
  178. death of my little girl
  179. Gartersnake death
  180. Difficulty passing slugs; When do I go to a vet?
  181. Snake pooing blood, please help
  182. Garters Not Eating
  183. Little feeding trick
  184. cannibalism?!?!?!
  185. There's a squishy bump on my snake!
  186. How long until taking action when not eating
  187. Garter suddenly won't eat
  188. Sudden Neurological issue
  189. large cut
  190. wtf is this on his lip
  191. My damn snake is broken.
  192. asdfas
  193. Feeding problem.
  194. Scale injury?
  195. Blood when Musking?
  196. Prolapsed cloaca
  197. Snake won't eat
  198. Swelling on mouth?
  199. Snakes tail is cut off!!!
  200. Snake tail injury!
  201. Breathing problems?
  202. Crushed Snake
  203. Cut snake tail
  204. Gravid Snake
  205. Augie can't move upper body
  206. Caught very young Garter in basement what to do?
  207. How to de-stress and get my wild caught baby garter to eat?
  208. Odd lumps
  209. Possible Retained Eye Caps
  210. Apathetic Snake
  211. My Garter is sick!
  212. What's going on???
  213. Sick Garter
  214. Garter Snake Shaking
  215. What're these spots?
  216. Dehydrated snake..
  217. shedding issue
  218. mouth rot
  219. poorly garter
  220. wild garter snake rehab in Oregon
  221. Egg binding
  222. growth around mouth
  223. Constipated?
  224. Lawn Mower Rescue
  225. Blackneck Garter Acting Strange/Freaking Out
  226. My big girl refuses food
  227. Well I finally caved and took your advice now I have a sick snake.
  228. Experience with provent-a-mite
  229. Slugs...
  230. Thiaminase problem or .....?
  231. My first Garters! What species are they?
  232. Bloody Regurge
  233. I'm freaking out about my wee one.
  234. Urgent Force Feeding Help
  235. Help
  236. Probably been asked before
  237. Smelly red goop piles on substrate
  238. Throat Lump
  239. urgent please help
  240. Feeding problems
  241. Hello Again. Possible RI?
  242. Scales bulge on garter?
  243. Lawn mower injury
  244. Help! Garter snake has something stuck in throat!
  245. Will my one goldfish kill my garter?
  246. Dehydrated and under weight, help plz
  247. Help! Wild injured garter snake
  248. Snake won't eat, too early for hibernation
  249. Found injured garter snake need info on what to do???
  250. Found injured garter snake need info on what to do???