View Full Version : Hello

07-13-2006, 11:28 PM
Hi everyone!! My name is Don. I live in Utah. I have been keeping snakes since 1980 (when I hit high school) and was catching them when I was old enough to walk. I have always had garter snakes in my collections. A few years ago I found Scott Felzer's website and have been working on getting my own breeding projects going. I was on the old thamnophis.com all the time....and have been waiting to see what was going to happen with it. This should be a good site!!! I hope to be able to help people out with my experience raising garters.

07-14-2006, 12:06 AM
Welcome and thanks for joining our forum. I have to say it is like I already know you. I have been to your site a couple of time, and really liked the layout. Are all the pictures from snakes you have owned? They are all so photogenic. :)


07-14-2006, 06:29 PM
Thanks!! I own all but the few marked as Scott Felzer's. A couple of them have passed since the photos were taken. It takes around 30-50 pics to get one or two good ones!!!! They are all very active snakes and don't really want to sit still!! I am glad you like the site. One of my coworkers is a computer nut and does a few sites on the side. I give him the general idea, text, and pics and he has fun with it!