View Full Version : acrylic knock-downs

01-21-2008, 06:55 AM
has anyone here tried the acrylic knock-dowm terrariums glass cages offers?
I get their glass tanks at the expo and they're very reasonably priced
I just saw the knock-downs - they're not that much more - and ship flat
even if I did get them at the expo, I could probably carry them home on the train, rather than having to get a car
the only thing is - they're acrylic
eventually they will get scratched and cloudy and once they're trash they won't biodegrade within fathomable history
I know this is long ahead future thinking - something that is generally not encouraged when it comes to consumer goods, but I do think that way
particularly after watching this
The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard (http://storyofstuff.com/)
I learned that a whopping 99% of consumer goods end up in a landfill in less than 6 months - that's scary
the scary part to me is the lifespan of that stuff after it's trash
glass may break more easily, but other than that it's good for a lot longer
and when it isn't, it will eventually become sand - even that takes a long time, but at least it won't be toxic in the process
I've looked into acrylics recycling and at this time it's not easy unless you've got quantity, and then I'm not sure of the amount of material degradation
is this boring everybody stiff?
I've been wanting to conserve the environment for decades and now I think I can talk about it because it's in the media, but people still think I'm nuts for caring about that stuff

01-21-2008, 11:34 AM
I've seen those acrilics on classcages.com as well but never tried them. I would think that acrilic would be ok for quite a while with snakes, if you were really gentle with cleaning them, and didnt have any other pets, or children to scratch them from outside. I just wouldnt ever get one for lizards. I use mostly 10g and 20g long glass aquariums, which I get for 8-10$ and 25-30$, then make my own lids for cheap, so the acrilics are a bit too much money for me. I am drawing up plans for some homemade cages in my head, but havent come up with a plan that I really like yet.
I wouldnt call myself an environmentalist by any means, but It does make me cringe to think of all the trash each of us throws away every day, and multiply that times the worlds population. I do try to keep my trash to a minimun. Also helps that I am a tightwad, so I use things until they are worn out, then use them some more.
Each us us definitely has the responsibility to be good stuards of the earth, and if everybody would just make a good reasonable effort,it would make a huge difference.
Personally, I think that prison inmates should be sorting trash at the dump to pick out all recyclables, then they would be able to turn them in for "prison dollars" which they could use to buy food, t.v. time, visiting time, play time, and showers. Maybe even buy a shorter sentence for non violent offenders- if they really work hard.

01-21-2008, 01:48 PM
I don't think it's boring at all, Rhea, I think you are spot on! I have the same concerns, especially with our favourite hobby, I want to keep it's environmental impact as low as possible. You can't get it right with everything, but if you have a choice, it's probably best if you take the least damaging route.

01-21-2008, 02:23 PM
I totally agree, it's really sad to think about all the that's going to be around for centuries...
People also don't realize how much money could be put back into the economy by recycling.