View Full Version : Snake Wanted!!!

04-08-2007, 09:34 PM
Since I unfortunately found out I had a male Eastern Garter, I wanted to get a female garter companion. I don't want any regular garter though, I want an albino garter at a reasonalbly price. Does anyone know where I can get one from immediately? Scott Felzer isn't going to be ready until Summertime and I want it now so can anyone help me or tell me where did you get your albino garter's from?

04-10-2007, 08:48 AM
You might want to talk to Don (ssssnakeluvr)....rumor has it he has a gravid female albino. don't know what you consider a resonable price though.....a lot of albinos (execept for the checkerds) tend to be a bit pricey. Good luck.

04-11-2007, 07:12 PM
I have an albino plains garter....she was bred with a Christmas albino plains....the albino's will probably be around 90, hets will be 40.....she should be popping anytime now :D