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09-06-2006, 03:43 PM
I Recently Went To A Reptile Expo And Purchased Some Frozen Pinkies So That I Can Give Them To My Snakes. When I Got Home I Decided To Wait A Couple Of Extra Days To Feed My Snakes So I Can Get Started In Feeding The Pinkies, It Might Help If They Were Extra Hungry. It Just So Happened That My Girlfriend Went Fishing That Day And Bought Some Worms So I Used One To Sent A Pinky. The First Snake I Tried To Feed Was My Red-sided Which Also Happens To Be The Smallest Of The Four Even Though He Is Only A Couple Of Days Younger Than The Rest. Well He Went After The Pinky But After Twenty Minutes It Looked Like It Might Be To Much To Handle Right Now So I Got Him To Drop It And I Fed Him One Of The Worms. The Biggest Snake That I Have Is My Oregon Red Spotted And I Gave Him A Pinky And He Downed It After A Few Minutes. So I Have Two Snakes That Haven't Eaten And I Feel Bad Because I Had Them Go Extra Days Without Eating So I Gave Them Both Worms. The Next Day I Looked In There Aquarium And Saw Two Worms That Came Back Up. I Figured That They Belong To My Red Sided And To My Snow. My Anery Plains Still Had A Lump. That Evening My Anery Seemed To Be Trying To Vomit But After A Few Minutes Decided To Die. It Turns Out That The Carton The Worms Came In Said Red Worms And Not Night Crawler, Is There A Difference Because I Have Given Nightcrawlers To My Snakes Before And They Seemed Fine. Anyways, My Red-sided Ate Two Feeder Fish And My Snow Isn't Trying To Eat. When Should I Try To Feed My Snow Again Or Should I Expect The Same Fate My Anery Had?

09-06-2006, 04:04 PM
god that sounds awful!
If the snakes are really small. I cut the pinkies up with a pair of scissors, I often defrost the pinkies with a small slice of trout..this scent usually gets them eating..

09-06-2006, 04:33 PM
I have been told that red worms and tiger worms are toxic for snakes, but i thought it was only if they had eaten alot of them. Maybe there was something very toxic in with the worms as well. If the others have thrown up everything then maybe they have got rid of the toxins and will be ok.

09-06-2006, 04:37 PM
Red worms and tiger worms come from compost usually and that is why they are toxic. Whereas you find night crawlers in normal earth, in your garden or in the country side.

09-07-2006, 03:35 AM
I confirm your experiences, because last year I gave some 1 to 2 mounths old T. elegans terrestris (and normally they love worms) some red worms - all of them had vormitted them after a max. time of five minutes.
This happens never with normal worms (in German: Laubwurm, could mean foliage or leaves worms; I'm not sure what's the right english word for them) or with the Canadian Giant worms.

Best regards


09-07-2006, 08:17 AM
When snakes vomit you best wait a t least five days before you feed them again. So they can "repair" their stomachfluids that partly came out with the vomiting.
When snakes keep vomiting, you have to contact a vet. It is possible that they suffer from to much flagelates in their intestines or so.
Mostly they vomit 24 to 48 hours after they have eaten when they suffer from the above.

09-14-2006, 03:44 PM
Thank You All For The Information. I Had One Snake Die And I Was Worried About My Snow Plains. He Ate For The First Time Today And Looks Absolutely Healthy. I Still Miss My Anery Plains But I Learned A Valuable Lesson. Thanks

09-14-2006, 04:37 PM
Maverick......... I'm sorry for your loss.I hope that alot of people learned from this accident.

09-15-2006, 01:00 AM
Maverick......... I'm sorry for your loss.I hope that alot of people learned from this accident.

Indeed. That is, amongst other things, the meaning of a forum. To learn from eachother. Good things and bad things.

I am also sorry for your loss, Maverick. :(

09-15-2006, 01:05 AM
I am also sorry for your loss, Maverick. :(

As are we all. It always tears me up inside when I lose a pet, and I am sure I am not alone. Again, sorry for your loss.
