So I just figured out a trick to get my garter snake to eat pinkies.

He really doesn't seem to know what to do with pinkies, so I tried lots of different things I read on the forum. now my snake loves worms a lot. so I figured the trick with putting the smell of the worm on the pinkie should work great. he still wouldn't take the pinkie, he was just looking around the pinkie to see if he could find the worm. I also tried taking some brain out of the pinkie and putting it on his nose and that didn't do anything.

So now I just took a small piece of worm and pushed it inside the mouth of the pinkie (make sure its in far enough that it won't fall out as soon as the snake touches it). as soon as I put the pinkie back in with my snake he grabbed it right away and the pinkie was gone in seconds.

I'm sure this will work with other foods as well, say your snake loves fish, just put a piece of fish in the mouth of the pinkie.

Anyway, hope this will help someone