I keep two garters in a 40 breeder bioactive tank, and like the size a lot.

My 2 cents:

2. establish a drainage layer composed of low weight approximations of gravel, (several varieties seem to exist and I'll probably go with the most economically viable one)

- I'd use LECA clay balls b/c they are super, super lightweight. Gravel will be super heavy and make it difficult for you to move the tank if you need to. Gravel is also smaller size and tends to compact more. (I have experience with gravel as a longtime fishkeeper.) LECA is affordable and typically available at big box home improvement stores in the spring and summer. If not, look for it at boutique garden or hydroponic shops. RINSE all LECA in water before putting it in your tank.

3. put somekind of mesh in as a divider.

- Window mesh works well.

4. use a mix of potting soil, peat-moss, used coffee grounds, and possibly something else for drainage/ph balance as soil.

- I'd omit coffee grounds. Add play sand for drainage, and orchid bark or chunky mulch instead. Also add in leaf litter in your mix and on top of the dirt. This is food for your clean up crew.

5. use the remainder of the aspen chip reptile sub-strait I have as ground cover

- I wouldn't do this. Use leaf litter instead. It provides shelter and food for your clean up crew. Aspen also looks unnatural to me.

6. plant things, (this is one of the key areas where I would like help)

- I'd install the plants and give them a month or two or more to really get rooted. Even garter snakes can be hard on some plants. I really like calathea. I would avoid moss. Moss needs too much moisture.

7. possibly include somekind of water feature, most likely a pond, possibly with a filter but most likely not a waterfall as I don't want the enclosure to be too humid which seems to be a risk with reptiles. (really want input on this)

- I wouldn't. I'd just use a large water bowl. It's a misconception that garters are semi-aquatic. They need much more land than they do water, and a 40 breeder is not that big at the end of day, especially once your garter reaches its full size.

I keep an eastern, a plains, a concinnus and a checkered garter snake. (The last two are young and in a separate tank.) None really spend that much time in the water. I'm also a longtime fishkeeper. Garters poop in their water too much to keep a pond or waterfall hygienic, even if you have a filter running. You want something you can empty, wash and replace easily and regularly.

I would only do a pond and filter in a huge tank (several feet long) where you could easily drain the whole pond if necessary.

8. introduce temperate woodlice, springtails, and common earth worms, (I'm tempted to get the woodlice and worms from my garden as I see both frequently but I recognize the threat of parasites, I wonder if quarantining them in sterile substrait for a few weeks would be sufficient to get any problem elements out of their systems)

- A lot of people do this. I don't have experience with it. I bought mine.

9, create hiding spots for the snake and introduce some decomposible organic matter for the bugs

- I like to use dark-colored, flat rocks to create hides and basking spots for snakes.

Good luck, and keep us posted!