Hi there,

I am currently making arrangements with a breeder to get two new baby snakes.
I currently have a blue California Red Sided, name Reggie, who has been with me since he was a baby, and has been living alone for about 5 years.
He's done well, but I felt bad about not getting him a friend.

So I'm buying two more boys, one a Puget Sound, and one a San Francisco (I live in Canada).
They will be babies, and they'll arrive with two other boys (another Puget and a blue Cali Red Sided) that will be going to my brother.
Once they're big enough I plan to introduce them to Reggie into an upgraded tank.

My concern is how Reggie will take having snakes introduced to him after all this time alone.

If he doesn't handle it well then I'll just keep them separate, but I'm curious if anyone has ever introduced new snakes to a garter that's been alone since it was taken from it's clutch years prior?
