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  1. #11
    Forum Moderator Boots's Avatar
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    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Sorry for the delay. Here are the x-rays of the bulge. Not really easy to see, but it is there.

    Attached Images Attached Images
    0.1 Thamnophis Sirtalis Tetrataenia - deceased

  2. #12
    Subadult snake
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    Stillwater, Oklahoma
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    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Damn, that doesn't look good. Is it affecting mobility at all? I wish I could see the cytology; I'm no clin. path, but I do enjoy looking at that piece of the puzzle.

  3. #13
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Looks deep in the tissue and spread out. I've allowed my Vet. to be aggressive with things like this and in all the few cases it didn't end well. I would tread lightly around this thing. You don't want to wake the sleeping giant.
    Has the Vet. given you any treatment options?
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  4. #14
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Thanks for the insight. Thanks that it's not more ominous and pathological. Try to keep the ambient temperature elevated a few degrees to boost the reptiles immune system and help the antibiotics work more efficiently. Make sure she /he has plenty of water daily also. Good call and hope she /he has a speedy recovery.
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  5. #15
    Forum Moderator Boots's Avatar
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    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Quote Originally Posted by joeysgreen View Post
    Is it affecting mobility at all?
    No, mobility is fine, and it does not seem to bother her at all. She has stopped eating once we started the antibiotics though. Which is not great.

    All that said, the news is not great. Here is the information I got about the slides that were sent out for analysis. I typed it out as they sent it in jpg. Not sure why.




    3 slides prepared from aspiration of a mass on the left dorsal body
    wall are examined.


    The aspirates are characterized by variable numbers of mesenchymal
    cells on a background of peripheral blood. The mesenchymal cells are
    spindle to stellate and arranged individually or in dense clusters.
    They have abundant basophillic cytoplasm which frequently forms wispy
    tails. The cytoplasm often contains small numbers of punctate clear
    vacuoles. The nuclei are rond to oval with coarse chromatin and
    frequently display 1 to multiple small nucleoli. Binucleation is
    occasionally observed. These cells demonstrate moderate to marked
    anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. There is abundant blood.


    Differentials for the population of mesenchymal cells would include a
    reactive fibroplasia or a spindle cell neoplasm. Reactive fibroplasia
    can result from trauma, inflammation, surgery, vaccination or be
    associated with an underlying cyst or neoplasm. Reactive populations
    of fibroblasts can display evidence of atypia and mimic a neoplastic
    population. The significant number of the mesenchymal cells, almost
    monomorphic population and evidence of atypia are most consistent with
    a neoplastic population and differentials would include a hemangiopericytoma or
    fibrosarcoma. These tumors are locally invasive but slow to
    metastasize. This appears to be a soft tissue sarcoma. Histopathology
    is necessary to further define the suspected neoplasm and assess its
    biological behavior.
    In talking with the doctor, she said that while in most cases they go in and scrap out the area and as much as they can around it, in this case it would be tough. Snakes do not have alot of fat or tissue, especially with it being located so close to the spine in this case.

    0.1 Thamnophis Sirtalis Tetrataenia - deceased

  6. #16
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Sorry to hear sarcoma. As I said earlier best to not "wake the sleeping giant". Best to let nature takes it's course. I wish you the best in this situation, been there, done that buddy. She will be in my prayers.
    Why the course of antibiotics?
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  7. #17
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Wow. It's very sad to hear this and a tough diagnosis to come to terms with. However I do hope there will be other considerations and options that will come available to help improve the prognosis. The vet sounds like she is a very good one. I know the snake is a special one and has a big place in your heart but just know that I am hoping there will be renewed possibilities for healing. Since the snake is anorexic does the vet recommend tube feedings to support the nutritional status? Stay in peace and not pieces. When there is nothing else there is hope!
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  8. #18
    Subadult snake
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    Stillwater, Oklahoma
    Country: Canada

    Re: Scales bulge on garter?

    Neoplasia was my worry; I don't think there is anything that can be done in this case. Surgical removal doesn't seem plausible. Radiation or chemotherapy are options but the size of the patient are serious limitations to attempting these and it would probably mean several trips to Saskatoon to even get started. Best course of action is probably to monitor quality of life, and euthanize when it has fallen below what seems humane. This may be when it starts to affect mobility or posture. Call your vet about the antibiotics. They may want you to finish the prescription to control what may now be an open wound, or now that we have an answer they may no longer be warranted.
    I wish you and your snake all the best.

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