hello all ... not sure if this thread belongs here or not but here goes ... I think it would be helpful to have some type of category on this board for the various illnesses we have encountered and more importantly what MEDS we used to treat the illness, how we dispensed the meds and the outcome. While this is ongoing I'm certainly learning more then I will retain long term. I imagine such a forum might be difficult to manage ... Please remeber all of these animals are still feeding very well, on their own ...

Products such as hydrogen peroxide, and mouthwash, have been recommended for stomatitis. The problem is that these products are cytotoxic - they destroy the good tissue along with the bad. What is called for is a product which has antibacterial properties but which is gentle on healthy tissue. Vets will use a product called Novasolon (chlorhexidine diacetate) (available by mail order from animal suppliers, or from feed and grain stores, it is great to have on hand as a disinfectant; the stuff is expensive ($36/gal or about $10/qt) but you dilute it in water) or Betadine (povidone-iodine), available at drug and grocery stores, it is great to have on hand as an antibacterial for cuts and scratches).

DOSAGE : Swab the affected area inside of the snakes mouth, roof & gums with a 1% solution of either of the aforementioned. The swabbing may result in the mouth bleeding depending upon how advanced the infection is. I follow this up by coating the inside of the mouth with some fresh aloe from the leaf of a live aloe plant. The healing properties and pain relief from aloe are well known. Not only does the aloe soothe, it seals in the Povidone I have just applied. Hopefully this help keep the Povidone in the affected area of the mouth and decreases the amount of any iodine that may inadvertanly be swallowed. The aloe can be safely injested by the snake or anyone for that matter !

HEAT : For this condition stomatitis (mouth rot) it is widely suggested that you raise the temps in your enclosure immediately. I suspect this is to help the infection in the mouth *dry out*. I raised the temps from low 80's to very high 80's (close to 90), day & night, 24x7.

notes on heat : The worse of the isolated animals is being heated with an red heat lamp. Her very first day in the snake ICU, she held her head (mouth first, chin up) to the heat/light ALL DAY ! I became a little nervous as these animals are now warmer to the touch then I am familiar with, however my observations indicate that they do seem quite content to be literally *bathing* in the increased heat/temps.

notes on meds : Novasolon may also be purchased as the generic chlorhexidine, from the internet for about $10 less then the brand name. You can also find the Betadine generic equvilant Povidone, at most drugstores .