I recently (about 1 month ago) purchased 2 Western Ribbon Snakes. I now only have one, as one of them died. I thought I was getting CBB snakes but I'm positive they were really WC as the one that died had no less the 4 old wounds on it. The one I still have has no wounds, is a healthy weight, and eats great for me so hopefully will be fine.

Anyway, that was sort of a long introduction to my question. I've been feeding guppies since it's my understanding that Ribbons prefer fish and amphibians to other food sources (compared to other Garters), but I'd like to feed it a more varied diet to make sure it stays healthy. I'm keeping my own guppies now, and they're already reproducing so I have a fairly reliable source. Are there other fish I can also raise to feed, or does anyone feed scented pinkies? It's my understanding Western Ribbons won't eat worms.

Any advice is much appreciated.