I just finished first round of treatment.......if you would just take a few moments to have a quick read and let me know if you think I have done anything wrong, or if I have left anything out.
So here goes :-
1. Put some water(tepid) in an old small faunarium and put Martha in for a bath.
2. Binned everything in the Viv substrate,hides,water bowl etc.(pet shop guy said I could boil everything and that would be fine) but I think getting rid is best(luckily I haven't had the chance to move her into new viv yet)
3. Used hot water,viv disinfectant and finally the Callingtons on the enclosure(let the enclosure air dry)
4. Took Martha put her in the bath and rinsed her with the shower(she seemed to like this)
5. Put news paper in the enclosure
6. Gave Martha a serious coating with the Mite-Off(also using the Mite-Off box as a temp hide)
7. Gave the small faunarium the same treatment as the enclosure(will need it over the coming weeks)
I have got the heat-mat running now so I can moniter the temps(no aspen in there now, so making sure it doesn't get too hot)
The follow on treatment is :-
1. Change paper every day
2. Bath and Mite off every three days
3. Callingtons every seven days
For the next two/three weeks
So there you go,let me know what you think?