So I went ahead and decided to give my female radix a nicer setup.
20 gallon long tank lit with a 24 inch walmart LED fixture with a small 25 watt bulb for heat although its been so hot inside that its been warm enough without it on.
Soil is locally collected topsoil mixed with an organic commercial bag, screened to get rid of mulch and rocks, mixed with a little sand. Plants are spider plants, green jew, pothos, a button fern, and a rabbits foot fern. I have some wandering jew rooting at the moment which will go in and probably replace the less hardy green jew.

I kept this tank pretty simple and all the hides are of cork bark which I don't have to worry about her crushed by if she tunnels under them more. In total there are technically three but I expect her to make more. The only thing I'm not happy with is where I put the button fern because it keeps getting slithered over. I'm definitely going to have to add some branches or sticks to this tank since she's been climbing all over everything including the poor button fern.

I just have to find a way to keep the water dish clean now!