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  1. #21
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    Steve, I woke up thinking about your babies. I hope everyone pulled through...
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  2. #22
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    Hope Steve has something positive to say

  3. #23
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    EVERYONE STILL ALIVE! Some are still effected and down but not out. I think it will be another 24 hours before there you of the woods. The enclosure smells terrible. I finally got some sleep and of course I had dreams about this situation. Even in sleep the trouble followed me. Well, it's off to Walmart. Time to make my word come out right and not close any doors before it all begins. Wish me luck. Hopfully, the manager will see the connection and the importants to knowing what happened, since some people eat raw fish. If it is bacterial, imagine if a small child were to ingest some of it.
    I am so fortunate I didn't feed everyone. I can imagine the outcome for my newborns.
    I've decided not to turn all the fish back over to Walmart. You know, the old "everything checked out fine" routine. "It must have been something else". I'm having an independent Lab. test it also. I'm sure we all want the truth. Bacteria, heavy metels, caustic chemicals. We eat this stuff to and Chinia doesn't have my trust. What is it called, "Prop 29". This product contains lead and you should wash your hands after contact with it. After learning about the damage that lead causes the human body and billions of dollars cleaning it out of our invironment now we accept it back in our product because China still uses it in manufacturing. That's so stupid. Enough, I'm off to Walmart. I'll let you know what kind of response I get.

  4. #24
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    well I'm glad everyone's pulled through so far
    I hope the ones that are still affected will make a full recovery
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  5. #25
    I am not obsessed.... GartersRock's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    So glad to hear everyone is still ok!! Let us know the results and still praying for your babies.
    Amanda Tolleson

  6. #26
    Thamnophis inspectus Zephyr's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    Sending prayers your way. ):
    I'd think the stuff is either expired or tainted.
    My advice; Run out and get some electrolyte water. You don't want them getting dehydrated.
    0.1 Storeria dekayi
    Hoping to get some T. s. sirtalis High-Reds next summer!

  7. #27
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    let us know what happened with Wallmart

  8. #28
    Thamnophis inspectus Zephyr's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    The Walmart escapades should be interesting.
    Good luck.
    0.1 Storeria dekayi
    Hoping to get some T. s. sirtalis High-Reds next summer!

  9. #29
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    The website was down for a while. Thanks Jason for letting me know what was happening.

    I haven't lost anyone. Some are still fighting. I went to Walmart and asked to speak to the store manager. What was I thinking! Sunday morning at 9am. The manager wasn't there. I was then approached by a lady who asked if she could possibly help. I explained the situation for beginning to end. "Hello, hello is this thing on" That's what I felt like. She went into the fact the the distributor is in charge of recalling a product. I explained that it was a Walmart Brand. She then stated that she wasn't a manager but would leave a message for him. She then told me I could get a refund and I could leave the product with them and they would dispose of it. I asked her how we would every know what was wrong with it if they threw it away. She just gave me a blank look. I informed her that the issue wasn't money but the possible health problems with the fish. I told her to have the manager contact me. I then gave her one of my business cards from the Sheriff's Dept. She must have thought I could be appeased by giving me my money back. I'll get answers even if it cost me to have the fish tested. Two of my scrubs are still fighting this stuff. One will be called Rocky if he survives. It's been 5 hours since I was at Walmart and no one has called. Did a complete clean out of the enclosure and sanitized everything. I think the next 24 hours will be the real test. Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. I'm going to get a little sleep before my kids get back from their mothers.

  10. #30
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: Warning! Problem with perch

    ohhhh my gosh! I am so sorry to hear it but I am so glad everyone's still hanging in there! have all of them thrown up yet? If there are any that still have it in them I personally would purge it from them manually. I've had to do it before with two baby garters that somehow ate peices of corncob even though they were not fed on their corncob bedding, and once with a baby that had major lower digestive issues and eventually died from being unable to digest properly. With babies it is pretty easy, I just kinda turned the snake over, took my thumb and put it behind the lump, and gently, slowly roll my thumb upwards towards the head. you might want to consider doing it to get it out of them, at least I would do it. If you're not comfortable... then just hope and pray that they are okay!!! I care for litters each year and I know how attached you get to them! Each year I always am sad for the ones that don't make it, even when I know it is coming. But to have something like this happen would devastate me, terrify me! My heart goes out to you!
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

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