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  1. waste of worms
  2. Bad shed
  3. The Art of...Cutting Up Pinkies?
  4. A horror story I hope everyone can learn from
  5. Wacky shed
  6. T. s. tetrataenia eating
  7. Baby Garter Snake Not Eating
  8. Likely cause of death?
  9. is it ok to feed my garters chicken liver?
  10. Picky eater; preference of where to get fish!
  11. Eating Problems
  12. Young Garter Not Eating
  13. Some General questions
  14. Strange garter feces
  15. where do u guys buy worms?
  16. Mature male and baby??
  17. Just a Few Questions...
  18. Nightcrawler source
  19. Eastern Garter Not Eating
  20. Making a New Setup
  21. Temperature preferences?
  22. Breeding size/age?
  23. Feeding Garter chopped up hoppers?
  24. Feeding Adjustments
  25. Not sure what's wrong..
  26. Sudden death?
  27. questions regarding thamnophis marciauns snake care
  28. help! baby garter won't eat!
  29. Yet another urgent feeding post...
  30. Yet Another Feeding Post
  31. feeding questions for Checkered Garters
  32. Adult Atratus not eating post brumation
  33. Feeding after brumation
  34. Smelt question
  35. 2015 granite checkered het pastel FEMALE.......
  36. Feeder Fish without Thiaminase?
  37. on feeding Long large night crawlers
  38. Keeping the food alive - namely fish / guppies
  39. Baby granite pastels update..
  40. Garter Snake Care and Information
  41. Brumation
  42. WC garters switched to mice And skin problem
  43. How much to feed
  44. Female garter not eating
  45. Are Garter Snakes good beginner snakes?
  46. Predatory Mites
  47. Provent-a-Mite (Update 8/15)
  48. Checkered Garter temeprature tolerance
  49. Feeding
  50. can Checkered garter snake be kept in groups?
  51. How often to feed?
  52. Appropriate size difference for garters that will be kept together
  53. New "technique" for converting WC to mice
  54. Converting to fish
  55. Safety issue feeding earthworms
  56. The Garter Snake Bible
  57. Another Feeding Problem Thread
  58. Total nutrition for my garters
  59. Study on how garters bask properly and under what parameters.
  60. Faust: A Cautionary Tale
  61. Cool yet snake stays on cool side...why?
  62. Can't get my temperatures up
  63. What's my snake?
  64. How long is too long?
  65. Northern Redbelly HELP
  66. Checkered garter not eating
  67. Feeding garter snake live mice
  68. garter snake husbandry
  69. Baby Snake Feeding Concerns
  70. 2009 Blue Puget female..
  71. Caging Size
  72. Caging Size
  73. Stimulating the appetite of a picky eater
  74. How to cool the cool side
  75. Feeding Fequency
  76. Baby snake help
  77. Baby garter too small for pinky's
  78. Stunted growth of Checkered garters
  79. Advice on switching a baby garter snake from live fish?
  80. New Albino Checkered! Any advice on communal housing?
  81. Gizzards?
  82. Feeder Fish
  83. Sex and calmness
  84. Blue puget quarantine..
  85. feeding baby T. concinnus
  86. terrarium
  87. terrarium
  88. Out of the Blue.....
  89. Red Wigglers?
  90. Slug Colony to keep for Winter?
  91. Jumpy Female Garter Snake?
  92. Eating problem: Could a bigger terrarium help?
  93. (Dekay's) What if he won't eat worms?
  94. Eating Problem: My Garter's off her feed
  95. wild baby albino garter snake care advice
  96. Introducing WC to CB
  97. Garter snake ate leaf?????
  98. Finally a meal of all pinkies.
  99. Winter Fast?
  100. A couple questions about dekayi care
  101. How to tame wild caught garters?
  102. Snake for 26 bowfront
  103. Shedding with damaged skin
  104. Went from eating good to a hunger strike!
  105. Silk worms (Bombyx mori) as feed?
  106. Should I introduce a cage mate/friend?
  107. Is my garter fat?
  108. Fish Guts
  109. Will shedding synchronize?
  110. Best diet for my Santa Cruz (T. a. atratus)?
  111. Young Infernalis won't eat.
  112. Garter snake keeper
  113. Momma wont birth all babies! Help!!
  114. Idea to get baby snake to eat?
  115. wild garter snake that got into some trouble wont eat?
  116. Time for Brumation?
  117. Snake room
  118. Sirtalis all of the sudden went off feed. Need a little help.
  119. WC eastern garter snake, injured and won't eat
  120. Healthy weight?? Slowing down for winter??
  121. pinkies/week adult garter?
  122. New baby garters
  123. New garter enclosure
  124. Coast Garter Won't Eat (4.5 months without food)
  125. Some questions considering communal housing
  126. Looking for some new friendly species
  127. Not actually a garter but close, question on feeding dekayi
  128. 5 Years Alone
  129. Can Plains Garter Snakes Eat Minnows?
  130. Infertile eggs
  131. Another new garter!
  132. Another thread on Garter not eating...
  133. Baby Won’t Eat Worms????
  134. Food question
  135. How do I care for a northwestern garter snake?
  136. Help me!!! New snake owner.
  137. babies decay snakes eating questions.
  138. New snake owner - lots of general questions!
  139. why does baby snakes just die all sudden?
  140. My ribbon snakes are terrified of me.
  141. Tale injury
  142. How Long Can A Baby Go
  143. Feeding Garter Rosy Red Minnows!!!!
  144. Wanted to post about the first shed of a WC eastern I accidentally adopted in Oct2018
  145. Switching to mice
  146. Basking light/heat mat question
  147. Co-habbing two wandering garters
  148. I think my snake is shedding again? And a question about weight.
  149. Size difference for cohab
  150. Timers and Thermostats
  151. Wild &Captive Cohab
  152. Feeder Guppies
  153. Switched to worm diet. Need a few questions answered!
  154. Regurgitate? Help??
  155. Reptilinks Micro (Frog)
  156. Getting Nerodia to switch to f/t
  157. feeding time questions... storeki decays. and a sad part:/
  158. Slugs for northwesterns?
  159. Going bioactive
  160. Type of night crawler?
  161. Male or female?
  162. T. proximus Feeding
  163. Concerning food
  164. My lazy baby garters want to sleep all day and not get no job!
  165. How Concerned should I be that my Wandering had my Valley's Head in (Her?) Mouth
  166. The kiss of doom: Lady and the tramp style!
  167. Going bioactive
  168. Striking, but not eating
  169. Rough Earthsnake question
  170. Baby checkered garters weight
  171. Safe foods for Sirtalis-sirtalis or Radix
  172. Advice for possibly wild caugth eastern ribbon snake