View Full Version : Desperate for a female...

Jake Dubz
09-27-2007, 09:18 AM
Not me... My snake- ever since my buddy "adopted" the female i caught with the male, I kinda wanted another one- but it's been Absolute hell for tracking them down. Do you guys know any readily available shops, or people currently selling females? I in Milwaukee Wisconsin, and nobody around here carries them :( I'd really appriciate the help guys- If someone put me in a cage of solitude and i didn't have hands......... To say the least i'd be pissed:D I'm NOT TRYING to breed them intentionally, i just want him to be as happy as possible, if she gets knocked up, oh well- thats nature right??? I just feel like a douche with him all alone

p.s. Sry for the "repost" of this subject in the general catagory- just tryin to get the word out

Jake Dubz
09-27-2007, 10:05 AM
WHOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I JUST GOT LUCKY- finally was able to locate a "reptile shelter" for abandon pet reptiles, with this they said they have a number of Florida Blue Garters :) Was too excited to remember to ask if they were female or not.... but before I went to check em out I wanted your guys' input on how u think these will mesh- Most species of garters will coexist right??? I've got a male red striped, aren't these in the same species??? Lastly is $39 a decent price in your opinion? i'm gonna buy one as soon as i get the cash if you guys say it should be ok

Jake Dubz
09-27-2007, 12:23 PM
:( Today has not been a good day.... Tripped down to the reptile shelter place and was NOT happy to find out that some guy came in and bought the pair of Florida Blues they had which happened in 4 hours of me calling.... Fortunitally theirs still some maritime garters in the classifieds on the site here still available- would these be a good mix?

Jake Dubz
09-27-2007, 12:26 PM
one last question- is it same to put a"baby" female in with a 22" male??

09-27-2007, 12:34 PM
one last question- is it same to put a"baby" female in with a 22" male??

I wouldn't put a baby with a big adult like that, but thats just my opinion!!

09-27-2007, 02:35 PM
Yeah, baby might be food if not careful.

Jake Dubz
09-29-2007, 01:44 PM
thats kinda what I thought.... oh well- i'm gonna prolly continue the search next spring when i get a chance to go up north again :( :( :( Looks like My boy's just gonna have a bachelor pad for the winter